Your Stone and Tile Information & Resource Super Site
Capitol Stone Care

Your Trusted Partner in Surface Restoration and Care

Capitol Stone Care stands as a beacon of expertise, reliability, and unparalleled craftsmanship.

Whether it’s marble, granite, travertine, slate, or ceramic tile, we bring life back to your surfaces, ensuring they look as stunning as the day they were installed.

Welcome to Capitol Stone Care – Your Trusted Experts in Natural Stone and Tile Restoration & Maintenance

At Capitol Stone Care, we are passionate about preserving the beauty and longevity of your natural stone and tile surfaces. With years of experience and a commitment to excellence, we specialize in restoring, maintaining, and protecting some of the most exquisite materials found in homes and commercial spaces. Whether it’s marble, granite, travertine, slate, or ceramic tile, we bring life back to your surfaces, ensuring they look as stunning as the day they were installed.

Our Services

Stone Restoration
Over time, natural stone can lose its luster due to wear, scratches, etching, or staining. Our expert technicians use state-of-the-art equipment and eco-friendly products to restore your stone surfaces to their original glory. From honing and polishing to deep cleaning, we bring back the natural shine and smoothness of your stone.

Tile and Grout Cleaning
Tiles and grout are prone to dirt, grime, and discoloration. Our professional cleaning services remove embedded dirt and stains, leaving your tile floors, walls, and backsplashes looking fresh and vibrant. We also offer grout sealing to protect against future staining and wear.

Sealing and Protection
Natural stone and grout are porous and susceptible to damage from spills, moisture, and daily use. We apply high-quality sealants to create a protective barrier, ensuring your surfaces stay resistant to stains, water damage, and everyday wear.

Repair and Maintenance
From fixing chips and cracks to addressing uneven surfaces, our repair services are designed to address any damage your stone or tile may have incurred. We also offer routine maintenance plans to keep your surfaces in pristine condition year-round.

Custom Stone Care Solutions
Every surface is unique, and we tailor our services to meet your specific needs. Whether it’s a historic stone floor, a modern marble countertop, or a high-traffic tile area, we provide personalized solutions to ensure the best results.

Why Choose Capitol Stone Care?
Expertise You Can Trust: Our team is highly trained and certified in natural stone and tile care, ensuring professional and reliable service every time.

Eco-Friendly Practices: We use environmentally safe products and methods to protect your surfaces and the planet.

Customer-Centric Approach: Your satisfaction is our priority. We work closely with you to understand your needs and deliver results that exceed expectations.

Competitive Pricing: We offer transparent pricing and value-packed services to fit your budget.

Serving the Community
Proudly serving residential and commercial clients in [Your Service Area], Capitol Stone Care is dedicated to enhancing the beauty and durability of your natural stone and tile surfaces. Let us help you preserve the elegance and functionality of your spaces for years to come.

Contact Us Today
Ready to restore the beauty of your stone and tile surfaces? Contact Capitol Stone Care today for a free consultation or estimate. Let us show you why we’re the trusted name in stone and tile restoration and maintenance!

Cities / Areas Served In This Washington DC Metro Area Area

7 corners | a t & t | aaa | abell | aberdeen | aberdeen proving ground | abingdon | accident | accokeek | adamstown | adelphi | advance mills | afton | airlie | aldie | alexandria | allen | alpine | amer assc retired persons | amissville | anacostia | andrews afb | andrews air force base | annandale | annapolis | annapolis jct | annapolis junction | aquasco | arbutus | arcola | ardmore | arlington | arlington | army times | arnold | aroda | ashburn | ashton | aspen hill | assistant secretary of navy | at&t | augusta spgs | augusta sprgs | augusta springs | avenue | avondale | aylor | baileys crossroads | baileys xrds | bainbridge | baldwin | baltimore | banco | bancroft hall | bank of america | barboursville | barclay | barnesville | barstow | barton | basye | batesville | beachville | bealeton | beallsville | beaverdam | bel air | bel alton | belcamp | belleview | beltsville | benedict | benson | bentley spgs | bentley springs | bentonville | bergton | berlin | berryville | berwyn | berwyn heights | berwyn hts | bethesda | bethlehem | betterton | big pool | big spring | bishop | bishopville | bittinger | bivalve | bladensburg | bloomington | blue cross group hosp | blue grass | bluemont | bolling afb | bolling air force bas | boonesville | boonsboro | boring | boston | boswells tavern | bowie | bowling green | bowling grn | boy scouts of america | boyce | boyd tavern | boyds | bozman | braddock heights | braddock hts | bradshaw | brambleton | brandy | brandy sta | brandy station | brandywine | brentwd | brentwood | bridgewater | brightwood | brinklow | bristow | brm | brm-firm zip | broad run | broadlands | broadway | brooke | brookeville | brooklandville | brooklandvl | brooklyn | brooklyn park | brookview | broomes is | broomes island | brownsburg | brownsville | browntown | brucetown | brunswick | bryans rd | bryans road | bryantown | buckeystown | bumpass | burke | burkittsville | burnleys | burr hill | burtonsville | bushwood | business reply firms | business reply mail | butler | bybee | cabin john | california | callaway | calverton | calverton | cambridge | cameron station | camp springs | campbell | cape saint claire | capitol heights | capitol heights po | capitol hgts | cardiff | caret | carroll | carrollton | carvel beach | casanova | cascade | castleton | catalpa | catharpin | catholic univ | catlett | catonsville | cavetown | cecilton | centreville | centreville | champlain | chance | chance | chantilly | chaptico | charlestown | charlott hall | charlotte hall | charlottesville | charlottesvle | chase | cheltenham | chesapeak bch | chesapeake beach | chesapeake city | chesapeake cy | chester | chester gap | chestertown | chestnut hill cove | cheverly | chevy chase | chevy chase | chevy chase village | chevy chs vlg | chewsville | childs | chillum | chstnt hl cv | church creek | church hill | churchton | churchville | churchville | chville | cismont | citicorp | claiborne | clarksburg | clarksville | clear brook | clear spring | clearwater beach | clearwatr bch | clements | clifton | clifton | clifton east end | clinton | cloverly | cobb island | cobham | cockeysville | cockeysville hunt valley | cockys ht vly | cockysvil | colesville | college estates | college park | colmar manor | colonial bch | colonial beach | colora | coltons point | columbia | community | compton | comptroller of the treasury | comus | conowingo | continental telephone | cooksville | corbin | cordova | corriganville | cottage city | covesville | cpe st claire | craigsville | crapo | crellin | cresaptown | criders | criglersville | crimora | crisfield | criterion ins co | crocheron | crofton | cross jnct | cross junction | crosskeys | crownsville | crozet | crumpton | crystal city | culpeper | cumberland | cunningham | curtis bay | dahlgren | dale city | dalecity | damascus | dameron | dames quarter | daniels | dares beach | darlington | darnestown | davidsonville | dayton | dayton | deal island | deale | deer park | deerfield | delaplane | delmar | denton | dentsville | dept of commerce | dept of the navy | derwood | detour | dickerson | district heights | district hts | doe hill | dogue | doswell | doubs | dowell | drayden | druid | dulles | dulles air mail facility | dulles air transfer office | dulles international airp | dulles p & d center | dumfries | dundalk | dundalk sparrows point | dunkirk | dunn loring | dyke | e new market | eagle harbor | earleville | earlysville | east case | east end | east new market | eastern correctional inst | easton | easton correctional inst | eastport | eckhart mines | eden | edgemere | edgewater | edgewood | edinburg | edmonston | eheart | eldersburg | eldorado | elevon | elk mills | elkridge | elkton | elkton | elkwood | ellerslie | ellicott | ellicott city | elliott | embarq | emmitsburg | engineering support center | engleside | enon | esmont | essex | etlan | eudowood | ewell | faber | fairfax | fairfax county government | fairfax sta | fairfax station | fairhaven | fairmount | fairmount heights | fairmount hgt | fairplay | falls church | fallston | falmouth | faulkner | fbi acad | fbi academy | fdic | federalsburg | finksburg | firm zip | firms-business reply | firms-courtesy reply | first fulfillment & mgr co | fishers hill | fishersville | fishing creek | flint hill | flintstone | forest heights | forest hill | forest hts | forestville | fork | fort a p hill | fort belvoir | fort defiance | fort detrick | fort george g meade | fort george meade | fort howard | fort lesley j mcnair | fort mcnair | fort meade | fort myer | fort ritchie | fort valley | fort washington | fowbelsburg | foxridge | franconia | franklin | fred | fredbg | frederick | frederickbg | frederickbur | fredericksbg | fredericksbrg | fredericksbur | fredericksburg | free union | freeland | friendship | friendship heights | friendsville | front royal | frostburg | fruitland | ft ap hill | ft belvoir | ft george g meade | ft l j mcnair | ft meade | ft myer | ft washington | fulks run | fulton | funkstown | fx station | g e i c o | g w univ | gainesville | gaither | gaithersburg | galena | galestown | galesville | gambrills | gannett | gapland | garrett park | garrison | garrisonville | geico | geico insurance | general delivery | george mason | george washington | georgetown | georgetown univ | germantown | gether | gibson island | girdletree | glen arm | glen burnie | glen echo | glenarden | glencoe | glenelg | glenmont | glenn dale | glenwood | glyndon | goddard flight center | goldsboro | goldvein | golts | gordonsville | gore | govans | graceham | granite | grantsville | grasonville | graves mill | great falls | great mills | green meadow | greenbackvile | greenbackville | greenbelt | greenland bch | greenland beach | greenmount | greenville | greenway | greenwood | grottoes | gum spring | gumspring | gunpowder | gwynn oak | hadensville | hagerstown | halethorpe | hamilton | hamilton | hampden | hampstead | hancock | hanover | harmans | harrisburg | harrisonburg | hartwood | harwood | havre de grace | hayfield | haymarket | haywood | hburg | head waters | hebron | helen | henryton | hereford | herndon | hhs | highfield | highland | highland bch | highlandtown | hightown | hillandale | hillcrest heights | hillcrest hgts | hillcrest hts | hillsboro | hinton | holland point | hollywood | hood | hood college | hoopersville | household bank | howard univ | howard university hospital | hughesville | hume | hundon | hunt valley | huntingtown | huntly | huntvalley | hurlock | hustle | hutton | hvre de grace | hyattstown | hyattsville | hydes | idlewylde | ijamsville | ilchester | indian head | ingleside | inspection service forensic | int group plans inc | ironsides | issue | ivy | jacksonville | james madison university | jarrettsville | jefferson | jefferson manor | jefferson mnr | jeffersonton | jennings | jersey | jessup | johns hopkins | johns hopkins hospital | joppa | joppatown | joppatowne | journal newspaper | keedysville | keene | keezletown | kennedyville | kensington | kents store | keswick | kettering | keymar | king george | kingston | kingstowne | kingsville | kitzmiller | knoxville | la plata | lacey spring | ladiesburg | ladysmith | lahore | lake frederick | lake linganore | lake montcelo | lake monticello | lake of the woods | lake of woods | lake ridge | lake shore | landover | landover hills | landover hls | langley park | lanham | lanham seabrook | lansdowne | lansdowne | laplata | largo | laurel | lavale | laytonsville | lebanon ch | lebanon church | leesburg | leisure world | leon | leonardtown | lewisdale | lewistown | lex pk | lexington park | lexington pk | libertytown | lignum | lincoln | linden | lineboro | linkwood | linthicum | linthicum heights | linthicum hts | linville | linwood | lisbon | little orleans | lk frederick | loch hill | loch lyn hght | loch lynn heights | loch raven | locust dale | locust grove | lonaconing | long green | loretto | lorton | lothian | louisa | lovettsville | loveville | ltl orleans | lucketts | luke | luray | lusby | lutherville | lutherville timonium | luthvle timon | lynch | lyndhurst | maclean | maddox | madison | madison | madison mills | magnolia | manassas | manassas park | manchester | manokin | marbury | mardela | mardela spgs | mardela springs | marine corps institute | marion | marion sta | marion station | markham | marlboro | marlow heights | marlow hgts | marriott corp | marriottsville | marriottsvl | marshall | marshall hall | martins add | martins additions | marydel | maryland city | maryland correctional system | maryland line | maryland motor vehicle admin | mason neck | massanutten | massey | maugansville | maurertown | mayo | mc dowell | mc gaheysville | mc gaheysvlle | mc henry | mc lean | mcb quantico | mccoole | mcdaniel | mcdonogh run | mcdowell | mcgaheysville | mchenry | mclean | md city | mechanicsville | mechanicsvlle | merrifield | middle river | middlebrook | middleburg | middleburg | middletown | middletown | midland | midland | midlothian | milford | mill gap | millers | millersville | millington | millwood | mine run | mineral | mint spring | mission home | mitchells | mitchellville | mnt lake park | mntpelier sta | mobil oil corp | monkton | monrovia | montclair | monterey | montezuma | montford | montgomery village | montgomry vlg | monticello | montpelier | montpelier | montpelier station | morgan state university | morganza | morningside | morrisville | mosby | mount airy | mount crawford | mount jackson | mount rainier | mount savage | mount sidney | mount solon | mount vernon | mount victoria | mount washington | mount weather | mountain lake park | mt crawford | mt lake park | mt rainier | mt victoria | mt washington | mtin lk park | mustoe | myersville | n beach | n bethesda | n brentwood | n chevy chase | n englewood | n potomac | n springfield | n springfld | nanjemoy | nanticoke | nasons | national harbor | national institute of health | national library of medicine | national naval medical ctr | national right to work comm | national science foundation | national wildlife assoc | nationwide fulfill systems | natl assn letter carriers | natl institute stds & tech | natl repub cong comm | naval academy | naval air system command | naval supply system command | naval surface weapons center | navy federal credit union | navy mutual aid assoc | navy sea systems command | neavitt | nellysford | new baltimore | new carrolltn | new carrollton | new hope | new market | new market | new midway | new windsor | newark | newburg | newcomb | newcomb hall | newington | ninde | no bethesda | no brentwood | no potomac | nokesville | norbeck | norrisville | north beach | north bethesda | north brentwo | north brentwood | north chevy chase | north college park | north east | north englewood | north garden | north ocean city | north potomac | north springfield | northeast | northern | northern virginia | northern virginia facility | northwood | nortonsville | nottingham | oak grove | oak hill | oakland | oakpark | oakton | occoquan | ocean city | ocean pines | ocean pnes | odenton | oella | office of naval research | old somerset | oldtown | olney | opal | orange | orchard beach | oriole | orkney spgs | orkney springs | orkney sprngs | orlean | overall | owens | owings | owings mills | oxford | oxon hill | p e p c o | paeonian spgs | paeonian springs | palmer park | palmyra | parcel return service | parcel return svc | paris | park | park hall | parkton | parkville | parsonsburg | partlow | pasadena | patapsco | patterson | patuxent riv | patuxent river | patuxent river naval air sta | pdp group inc | penn laird | pentagon | pepco | perry hall | perry point | perryhall | perryman | perryville | philomont | phoenix | pikesville | pimmit | piney point | piney pt | pinto | pisgah | pittsville | pleasant valley | pleasant vly | pnc financial | pocomoke | pocomoke city | point of rocks | pomfret | poolesville | port deposit | port republic | port republic | port royal | port tobacco | potomac | potomac | potomac falls | powellville | pr frederick | pratts | preston | price | prince frederick | prince george plaza | prince georges metro ctr | prince william | prince wm | princess anne | prnc frederck | prs | pt of rocks | pt republic | purcellville | pylesville | quantico | quantico | quantico naval hospital | queen anne | queenstown | quicksburg | quinque | raccoon ford | radiant | randallstown | raphanck acad | raphine | rapidan | rappahannock academy | rappnhanck | raspeburg | rawley springs | rawley sprngs | rawlings | rectortown | rehobeth | reisterstown | reliance | remington | reston | reva | rhoadesville | rhodes point | rhodesdale | richardsville | riderwood | ridge | ridgely | rileyville | rising sun | rison | riva | riverdale | riverdale park | riverdale pk | riverside | riverton | riviera beach | rixeyville | rochelle | rock hall | rock point | rock pt | rockbdge bath | rockbrg baths | rockbridge baths | rockfish | rockville | rocky ridge | rogers heights | rohrersville | roland park | rollins fork | rose haven | rosedale | rosslyn | round hill | royal oak | ruby | ruckersville | rumbley | russett | ruther glen | rutherglen | ruxton | s bowie | sabillasville | saint charles | saint davids church | saint inigoes | saint james | saint leonard | saint marys | saint marys city | saint michaels | salem | salisbury | sallie mae | sandy hook | sandy spring | sang run | savage | scaggsville | schuyler | scotland | seabrook | sealston | seat pleasant | secretary | seven corners | seven fountains | seven fountns | severn | severna park | shadwell | shady side | shallmar | shared brm | shared firm zip | sharpsburg | sharptown | shelby | shenandoah | shenandoah caverns | shenandoah national park | shenandoah valley airpot | shendoah cvrn | sherando | sherwood | sherwood forest | sherwood frst | shiloh | shipman | shndoh nat pk | showell | silver hill | silver spring | simpsonville | singers glen | smithsburg | snell | snow hill | social security admin | social security administrat | solomons | somerset | somerset | somerville | south | south bowie | south garden | south jackson | south riding | southbridge | southern md brmas | southern md facility | space & naval warfare system | sparks | sparks glenco | sparks glencoe | sparrows point | sparrows pt | sparta | spencerville | sperryville | spotsylvania | spottswood | spring gap | springdale | springfield | sprint | st davids ch | st george | st inigoes | st james | st leonard | st marys city | st michaels | stafford | stamp distribution network | stanardsville | stanley | star tannery | state farm ins co | state farm insurance | staunton | staunton park | steeles tavern | steeles tavrn | stephens city | stephenson | sterling | stevensburg | stevenson | stevensville | sthrn md fac | still pond | stockton | stone ridge | stoney beach | strasburg | street | stuarts draft | subn md fac | suburb maryland fac | suburban md brm | sudlersville | sudley spgs | sudley springs | suitland | sully station | sumerduck | sun trust bank | sun trust bank inc | sunderland | sunshine | supply | swan point | swanton | swoope | sykesville | syria | t rowe price associates inc | takoma park | takoma pk | tall timbers | taneytown | taylors is | taylors island | temple hills | templeville | the plains | theological seminary | thornburg | thornhill | thurmont | tilghman | timberville | timonium | toddville | toms brook | towson | towson state university | tracys landing | tracys lndg | trade center | trappe | trevilians | triangle | troy | tuscarora | tuxedo | twymans mill | tyaskin | tylerton | tysons | tysons corner | u s air | u s chamber of com | u s geological survey | un va med ctr | union bridge | unionville | unionville | unity | univ of md baltimore county | univ of va med ctr | university | university of maryland | university pa | university park | uno | upper fairmount | upper fairmt | upper falls | upper hill | upper marlboro | upperco | upperville | uppr marlboro | upr marlboro | urbana | us army mat com | us navy accounting office | us unmanned aerial vehicles | usa fulfillment | usa today | valley lee | verizon | verona | vienna | vienna | vietnam vet mem fund | viewtown | vint hill farms | vint hill frm | visa lottery | w bethesda | w bowie | w friendship | w hyattsville | w springfield | wachovia | walbrook | waldorf | walkersville | warrenton | warwick | wash | wash | wash gas | wash intell bureau inc | washgtns brhp | washing | washingtn | washingtn grv | washington | washington | washington dc post office | washington gas | washington grove | washington intel bur | washington ndc | washington post | washingtons birthplace | waterford | waverly | waynesboro | wdberry forst | wdbg | welcome | wenona | west augusta | west friendship | west hyattsville | west mclean | west ocean city | west river | west springfield | western state hospital | westernport | westlake | westminster | westover | weyers cave | whaleyville | wheaton | whitacre | white hall | white hall | white marsh | white plains | white post | whiteford | whitehaven | wildwood | willards | williamsport | wilmington | winchester | windsor mill | wingate | winston | wintergreen | wittman | wolftown | woodberry for | woodberry forest | woodbine | woodbridge | woodford | woodlawn | woodsboro | woodstock | woodstock | woodville | woodward and lothrop | woolford | worton | wye mills | yancey mills | zion | zion crossrds | zion crossroads |